Sigiriya was built by King Kasyapa I in the year AD. Built in the 5th century. Sigiriya was declared a World Heritage Site in 1982. It is a place that exemplifies the integration of urban architecture, art, architecture, construction technology, landscape gardening and water management that existed in 5th century Ceylon. Archaeologists have identified Sigiriya as a fortress and later as a city. Archaeologists have so far identified eight historical sites in Sigiriya. That is,

24 Ancient Hermitage Period - BC From the 3rd / 2nd century AD. Up to the 1st century, the caves with drips at the foot of the Sigiriya rock and the burning Brahmi inscriptions owned by the monks belong to this period. The history of this period from the 1st century to the 5th century is uncertain. 477-495 Period - Postmodern Age - AD Aramaic period after the 6th-7th centuries Post-Kashyapa period Period-Aksharim period - AD 13th-17th Century City Period - 17th-19th Century Period - Modern Renaissance - 1830s to 70s Several complex parts The eastern part of the city with the Sigiriya rock and the palace on it, the western part of the Malaka water park, the garden, the watershed wall and the moat wall.

In addition to the aforementioned constructions, Sigiriya has become an attractive archeological site for tourists due to its hundreds of world-famous murals and hundreds of carvings on the mirror wall. All rights receved Bhathi © Travel with Arbitrary King Sigiriya I Built in the 5th century. Sigiriya was declared a World Heritage Site in 1982. It is a place that exemplifies the integration of urban architecture, art, architecture, construction technology, landscape gardening and water management that existed in 5th century Ceylon. Archaeologists initially identified Sigiriya as a fort and later as a city. Archaeologists have so far identified eight historical sites in Sigiriya. That is,24 Primitive period - BC From the 3rd / 2nd century AD. 

Up to the 1st century, the caves with dripstones at the foot of Sigiriya rock and the Brahmi inscriptions dedicated to them by the monks date back to this period. The history of this period from the 1st century to the 5th century is uncertain. 477-495 Period - Postmodern Age - 6th to 7th centuries AD Aramaic Period Post-Axis Period-Literary Age - AD 13th-17th Century City Period - 17th-19th Century Period - Modern Renaissance - 1830s to 70s | Several complex parts Oo City and Malaka Water Park, including the Sigiriya Rock and the adjoining palace, gardens, moats and walled eastern lands with moats and walls Half

In addition to the above beautiful constructions, Sigiriya has become a fascinating archeological site for local and foreign tourists due to its hundreds of world famous murals and hundreds of vukurutu songs written on the mirror wall. 


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